Stop Scratching: 3 Steps To Treat Your Dog's Pyotraumatic Dermatitis
If you see your dog gnawing or scratching away at one particular spot on its body, it might have a painful irritation caused by a flea bite or other skin problem. Unfortunately, its chewing could lead to a painful inflammation of the skin known as pyotraumatic dermatitis. If left untreated, your dog can develop bald spots and infections caused by the continual chewing or scratching. Here are four ways to treat your pets pyotraumatic dermatitis.
Trim the Area
If your dog has long hair, you can help speed up the healing process by trimming the hair from around the wound. While it's healing, the wound will ooze quite a bit. Unfortunately, long hair can get inside the wound and cause further irritation. The skin around the wound will be tender so be gentle while you're trimming your dog's hair.
Clean the Wound
The wound will need to be cleaned several times a day until it is completely healed. You can use a solution of betadine and water to cleanse the wound. Betadine is available in the first aid section of any drug store. Fill a bowl with equal parts water and betadine. Place a clean wash cloth in the solution to get it wet. Carefully squeeze the solution over the wound and allow it to sit for a few minutes. The solution will help soften the crust that has formed over the wound. Use your wash cloth to carefully wipe away the area, removing as much of the crust as possible. Repeat the process several times a day until the wound has healed.
Try Cool Compresses
As the wound heals, your dog may experience some discomfort. You can alleviate the discomfort by applying cool compresses to the wound site. Fill a bowl with lukewarm water and add ½ cup of witch hazel. The witch hazel will help alleviate any itching your dog may be experiencing as the wound heals. Soak a cloth in the solution and then wring it out. Place the compress on the wound and hold light pressure for about 10 minutes. Repeat the process whenever your dog appears to be uncomfortable.
If your dog has developed pyotraumatic dermatitis from chewing or biting at a skin irritation, the steps provided here will help alleviate the discomfort and speed up the healing process. Be sure to speak to your veterinarian if the area becomes swollen or starts emitting a foul odor. Those may be signs of a serious infection. To learn more, contact an animal hospital like Centennial Animal Hospital.